November 5 2023

Last visit for the year?

I made what might be the last visit to Skookum for the year, hiking in the mile and a half from the base of the jeep road with Phil Battle and his puppy Tilly. The snow from last week had mostly melted, making for a muddy trip. There were just a few things I wanted to finish up — complete the draining of the water lines, put some paint in the cellar so it wouldn’t freeze, and wrap the controller to the spring box pump in plastic. It was a short trip, but I did make some interesting discoveries…

Phil and Tilly (left photo) seemed to enjoy the hike. Looking Eastward at the cabin (right photo), you can tell from the piles that the roof shedded the snow and the temporary ridge cap is staying in place.

I needed to take a visit to the “blue room,” where I found some new additions written on the walls. The quote from Melville added by Tom (left) is truly appropriate, but Wylie’s addition (right) bent me over with laughter.

For what may be the final picture for 2023, here’s my happy, smiling mug — already looking forward to making Skookum habitable next year!