July 9

The waterline is essentially done. The road for the concrete mixer/pump is mostly in shape. Now we’re just waiting on the gravel and getting the mixer/pump up the mountain.

The last part of the line was tricky due to rock shelves the line had to crawl over. We insulated the line for much of the way, including two layers in the shallowest places.

Two layers of below grade insulation around the waterline, plus a plastic wrap.
Insulation sections were strung together. Duct tape, Great Stuff, and plastic held the sections together. Two sections do not have the top piece of insulation on yet.
What happens when a Great Stuff can malfunctions. (Possibly due to poor implementation by Rand…)
Logan marked poles at 6 feet (red) and buried them with the waterline. He then used these markers to make sure there was ample dirt over the shallow sections. This, along with the insulation should keep the waterline from freezing.

The rest of the waterline was then buried, as shown in the following time-lapse movie. Nash from above with a tractor, Rand in the middle shoveling and tamping in the line, and Logan coming in from below with the excavator.

Afterwards, Phil and Max Battle stopped by. Max tried out the excavator as shown below.

Max picking up on how to operate the excavator quickly.